This is a specialized fundraiser product and proceeds from the sale will benefit Albert Tamm on tour.
Albert Trusts the Trust for his midrange shots and thinks you should too! Following his hiking theme from last season, the 2024 Albert Tamm Tour Series Trust features Albert holding a conversation with a sasquatch. Albert hopes you enjoy this design as much as he did working on it!
Albert Tamm about the Trust
"I chose Trust as my Team Series disc for 2024, because I love throwing midranges and for me it is probably the most enjoyable part too."
Produsenten sin beskrivelse
Trust - you cannot have a healthy relationship with your disc without it. This workhorse midrange is a stable, straight-shooter when thrown with some power. For slower shots, it has that dependable gliding fade. The beadless smooth rim makes the Trust a weapon for both backhand and forehand shots.
Lars Somby - Team Krokhol Disc Golf Shop og Team Latitude 64
Denne midrangen har jeg i bagen i to utgaver. En innspilt Trust som jeg kan få en liten turn ut av og få til å gå helt rett samt en nyere Trust som jeg kan stole på også i motvind. Stabilitetsmessig så plasserer Trust seg mellom Compass og Savior med en stabilitet som er nærmere Compass'en. I tillegg til å ha litt mer stabilitet så har den for min del en god del mer lengdepotensiale enn både Compass og Savior. Trust har overrasket meg som en allsidig midrange som tåler litt motvind, men som også klarer å holde lange anhyzerlinjer. For min del så får den ofte luftet seg fra utkast på Gull 3, Blå 4, Gull 6, Blå 8, Blå 11, Gull 15 og Gull 17 på Krokhol. Trust er også flittig brukt på diverse innspill.
Øyvind Jarnes - Team Latitude 64
Trust har blitt et fast inventer i baggen min, og erstattet både Mace og Compass. Den er rett som en snor med god glide. En fantastisk " point and shoot" midrange, og en av de beste jeg har kastet med. Den nye Grand plastikken er rett og slett unik, og kanskje den beste på markedet. Denne discen passer like bra for nye spillere, som for oss etablerte.
Grand Orbit Plastic
Royal Grand is our durable premium plastic with great grip that will not fail you, no matter the outside circumstances. It features a soft feel with a rigid rim part with perfect flex. Furthermore, the Latitude 64° Royal Line takes disc golf quality one step further the innovative NexEdge and NexFeel technologies. The days of sharp flashing are gone as the NexEdge process provides a buttery-smooth feel to the bottom and outer parts of the rim. NexFeel is our new polish technology enhancing the grip and feel of the whole disc surface. Want the best? The Royal discs are made for you.
Orbit is our spectacular two-color process that opens up a whole new world of color combinations. No orbits are the same and every one has different variations within the disc.
Royal Line
The Latitude 64° Royal Line takes disc golf quality one step further with the innovative NexEdge and NexFeel technologies. The days of sharp flashing are gone as the NexEdge process provides a buttery smooth feel to the bottom and outer parts of the rim. NexFeel is our new polishing technology enhancing the grip and feel of the whole disc surface. Want the best? The Royal discs are made for you.
Approved Date: Dec 14, 2020
Max Weight: 180.1gr
Diameter: 21.7cm
Height: 1.9cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.3cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.1cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.0%
Rim Configuration: 43.75
Flexibility: 10.57kg

Svensk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.