Tired of choosing between speed and accuracy? With the Ballista you can get the best of two worlds. One of the fastest discs in the world combined with a dependable flight path makes the Ballista a must-have in your bag. It will be overstable for beginners and slightly understable for experienced players.
Retro Plastic
Great grip and beginner friendly flights. This is the perfect plastic blend for your first disc. This is also our most affordable plastic. For a long time we have had requests to make discs that break in more easily. Test after test led us to this plastic blend that we have named Retro.
Approved Date: Dec 19, 2014
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 1.7cm
Rim Depth: 1.1cm
Rim Thickness: 2.4cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 16.3cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.2%
Rim Configuration: 26.00
Flexibility: 8.05kg

Svensk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.