Release 3. april kl. 11:00
Produsenten sin beskrivelse
The Fuse is the most versatile midrange driver we have ever made. Period. Co-designed with our pro Jesper Lundmark, it has a stable and predictable flight path up to 300ft, and will hold long anhyzer curves with minimal fade at the end.
Project Grip Plastic
Project Grip merges two premium plastics, resulting in a unique blend with an exceptionally grippy surface while maintaining a stiff, torque-resistant core. The result? A secure feel that inspires confidence in hand, paired with a firm core for consistent, reliable flights.
Approved Date: Apr 4, 2010
Max Weight: 181.8gr
Diameter: 21.9cm
Height: 2.1cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.3cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.3cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.9%
Rim Configuration: 42.50
Flexibility: 8.28kg

Svensk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.