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Nexus Animal


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Nexus Animal

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The Animal is a short-range, stable forehand and backhand approach disc.

The Animal was designed to be a short-range, stable forehand and backhand approach disc. It’s also a good putter in the wind and inside the circle. The Animal features our Thumtrac® Rim for a secure grip.

Best Choice for

  • Stable Upshots
  • Headwind Putts
  • Thumbtrac fans

Nexus Plastic
Nexus is grippy and durable blend of plastics ideally suited for putts and approaches where exactness of feel is a must. Nexus is a popular choice among touring pros and has a greater durability than our DX line.

  • Dependable grip for putts and approaches
  • Consistent in a variety of conditions
  • More durable than DX

Approved Date: Sep 29, 2020
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 2.1cm
Rim Depth: 1.3cm
Rim Thickness: 1.0cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.2cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 6.1%
Rim Configuration: 64.00
Flexibility: 9.66kg


Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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