Testhjørnet med Lars fra Krokholdgs.no
Rive er en disk jeg har i bagen og bruksområdet for meg er hovedsaklig lange forehandkast. I stabilitet så er den ganske lik Ballista Pro, men med en litt mykere turn og fade. Grepet er også ganske anderledes hvor innsiden av rimmen på Rive går ganske loddrett ned. Tallene fra Latitude 64 stemmer ganske bra, men jeg ville nok justert ned fade til 3, ikke 3.5. Når den blir innspilt så har denne disken potensiale til å gå fryktelig langt for oss dødelige. For de med mye trøkk i armen så vil denne gå fryktelig langt rett ut av boksen.
Produsenten sin beskrivelse
Roaring into your bag for 2024 is Silver Latt's Team Series Rive. Designed for optimal stability in the Royal Orbit plastic, this disc is made for big arms that throw far. If you are looking for a distance driver that will fight the wind, grab one for your bag and you will not regret it.
RIVE is a crusher, the perfect distance driver for top disc golfers. The combination of superior speed, great glide and predictable overstable flight is what makes the Rive great.
Silver Lätt about the Rive:
"I believe the Rive is a disc that any advanced player could benefit from. It’s stable enough to fight the lower winds but glidy enough to give you the distance you need." He added that the Rive is his "go to distance driver for sidearms and backhands."
Grand Orbit Plastic
Grand is the durable premium plastic in our Royal Line. Grand has great grip that will not fail you, no matter the outside circumstances. It features a soft feel and a rigid rim with perfect flex. Orbit is Latitude 64's spectacular two-color process that opens up a whole new world of color combinations.
Royal Line
The Latitude 64° Royal Line takes disc golf quality one step further with the innovative NexEdge and NexFeel technologies. The days of sharp flashing are gone as the NexEdge process provides a buttery smooth feel to the bottom and outer parts of the rim. NexFeel is our new polishing technology enhancing the grip and feel of the whole disc surface. Want the best? The Royal discs are made for you.
Approved Date: Nov 21, 2020
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 1.8cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 2.3cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 16.5cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.7%
Rim Configuration: 30.00
Flexibility: 12.16kg

Svensk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.