Saint is a highly praised control driver – both among amateurs and pros. When you need a disc with good distance and perfect accuracy the Saint will deliver. Saint will be a straight shooter for drives up to 350 ft and has excellent glide. Saint also has a big brother – the slightly more stable Saint Pro.
Gold Line is our premium blend plastic. The start of the mix has been the same brand plastics used in Opto Line but we added a different polymer to give it better grip without losing the excellent durability of Opto Line.
Approved Date: May 20, 2012
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 1.9cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 1.9cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 17.4cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 5.7%
Rim Configuration: 29.25
Flexibility: 8.85kg
Tomas Ekström
Design and Product Manager, Latitude 64°
Look up to the Skies
11.35AM in January 13, 2012 I saved the file for the “Skie” (Obsolete spelling of sky) and sent it to the tool maker. At the time we had fairway drivers like the Striker and the Vision but I felt that we needed something that moved a bit faster through the air. I also wanted our discs to have an advantage in glide or in distance compared to the competition, because as a fairly new company you feel that you have to find something that is different from the rest.
We all know that distance is important in this business and if I could achieve a fairway driver that went further than others in the same category I would have succeeded. In this particular case I also looked at the Flow and the River and how they fly, so you could say that the Saint is a mix between the River and the Flow in flight. Well, those were my thoughts in the beginning of our adventure even if I could also see the need for slow discs with a good fade (Trident for example). If you don’t have a “sports car” in your portfolio, you will never be compared to brands with sports cars…
Anyway, the Skie I just sent to the tool maker was supposed to be a speed 8-9 disc which was easy to throw for pretty much every player out there. The finished mold arrived a couple of weeks later and we made our first batch of discs and tested it during spring 2012. Some of the test throwers said it flew almost as long as a high speed driver because of the glide and the stability was also what we wanted. Overall a disc that many people could benefit from. Luckily (or by pure skill) it turned out to be just right from the start so we didn’t make any changes or what we in the business call a retool.
So what about the name? Skie was the working name and was a deliberately misspelled SKY. In the beginning of our journey I wanted to feel, test throw and hold the disc before we could name it, and the Skie was one of them. So I guess we talked about the sky and what could be up there in some beliefs. Gods and perhaps Saints… and Saints are usually something we think of in a positive way. The disc itself has a gentle smooth flight but is still kind of deadly with its distance. It can’t be described as a wuss because it can bite back, so in that sense naming it the Saint was something that felt right. Another explanation of how the name come to be could be that we already had the Halo, and in some way wanted to connect our names together. I don’t know if this make any sense today but somehow it did back then 🙂

Svensk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.