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Eclipse Glow Proxy

Axiom Discs

6 På lager
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Eclipse Glow Proxy

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The Proxy is a straight-stable putt and approach disc.

The Proxy shares the Envy mold’s core, lending the same low-profile feel and solid grip, along with a short wing width and wide flight plate diameter for superior glide. The Proxy sets itself apart from the Envy with a remarkably straight forward-fading finish. A bit of high-speed turn potential allows the Proxy’s lines to be manipulated over a broad range of power and helps less powerful throwers achieve straight putter drives.

The Proxy’s defining flight characteristic is its ability to hold a straight flight at high speeds, but demonstrate the low-speed straight properties of a much more understable model’s ending stage. The Proxy is designed to exhibit the neutral straight-flying characteristic of classic “main” putters. Rather than requiring an extra wind-resistant overstable complement solely for harder throws, the Proxy is able to lock in with a similar high-speed stability as the Envy.

Its neutral stability at a wide range of speeds will help the Proxy find its way into every Axiom thrower’s bag.

  • Premium glow material
  • Bringing Glow to the core
  • Vibrant opaque Axiom GYRO® rim
  • Designed for visibility day or night
  • High durability for a long consistent life

Approved Date: Sep 24, 2014
Max Weight: 174.3gr
Diameter: 21.0cm
Height: 1.8cm
Rim Depth: 1.5cm
Rim Thickness: 1.1cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 18.8cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 7.1%
Rim Configuration: 63.50
Flexibility: 6.58kg

Axiom Discs

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf. Axiom Discs er eid av MVP.

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