Are premium backpacks too big for you? The Easy-Go lightweight backpack from Latitude 64° is the answer. The Easy-Go still holds all the essential disc golf gear you need. Ergonomically designed to have a better weight distribution closer to your body. Take it easy! Pack light! Go play!
- The main storage compartment holds 12 discs in duo sockets.
- Top and bottom compartments are suitable to store towels, clothes, etc.
- Top compartment can also be used to store an extra 3-4 discs.
- Two bottle holders at the sides.
- Two elastic side pockets, one at each side. Made to store smaller items like minis, keys or your phone.
- Umbrella holder.
- Premium zippers.
- Weight: 1770 grams
Five changes on this new generation of the Easy-Go Backpack
- Improved ergonomics, the bag will now sit slightly higher on your back.
- The bag construction has been revised and made more stable.
- Less disc dividers. Now you can fit two discs in each slot.
- Zippered cover for the main disc compartment.
- Lower weight, even better for your back!
Discs, towels and water bottle are NOT included.
*Rain cover is sold separately.

Svensk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.