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DuraFlex P Model S

Prodigy Disc

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DuraFlex P Model S

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The P Model S may have more glide than any other putter on the market coupled with a straight flight and subtle fade. With a slimmer profile and small bead on the rim, it feels great in the hand and offers a consistent, clean release for drives, approaches, and putts.

The glide makes it a great putter, as it stays in the air to find chains from short and longer distances. It also has a soft fade, so you can trust it is going to finish toward the basket. Its comfortable grip, impressive glide, and reliability will make it an instant favorite.

P Model discs are made for accuracy at close range while offering elite glide and comfort in the hand. These discs will help you find a go-to for short drives, approaches, and putts.

Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 2.0cm
Rim Depth: 1.5cm
Rim Thickness: 1.0cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.2cm

Prodigy Disc

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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