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D-Line Flex1 P2 - Special Edition


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D-Line Flex1 P2 - Special Edition

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Special Edition!

This is our icon - the P2 - reinvented. For over a decade the P2 has been the gold standard of putters. We wanted to take that standard and take it to a level that is unmatched in disc golf. The New P2 has the same straight-to-stable flight you have known for years, but with two new features. We’ve developed a unique texture to give you the best grip available on any baseline plastic on any conditions. We know that every disc golfer prefers a different amount of flex in their putters. Some like their putter super soft while others want them rock hard.

If you have liked P2 before, you are going to love these. Your next and last putter has arrived and it’s the New P2.

D-Line Plastic
Lots of grip even in wet conditions. The most affordable plastic in our line. Soft but firm feel – ideal for putters. Fine-tuneable flight characteristics thanks to gradual wear. We’ve designed three different flexes, all with the unique texture to give you the ultimate choice.

  • Flex 1 - For those of you who prefer a softer, grippier putter.
  • Flex 2 - Medium stiffness that works for everyone.
  • Flex 3 - The hardest plastic provides a firm feel in the hand.

Simon Lizotte
The P2 has been with me for eight years now. No matter what plastic. No matter for drives, upshots or putts. I put all my trust into these and they give me the confidence I need on the putting green.

Eagle McMahon
I love the P2 because I can depend on it. It’s also a very tried and true putter that delivers results.

Oskari Vikström
The P2 is my choice because it gives a good combination of glide and stability, which allows me to throw it off the tee with confidence.

Approved Date: Jul 6, 2021
Max Weight: 176.0gr
Diameter: 21.2cm
Height: 2.1cm
Rim Depth: 1.6cm
Rim Thickness: 1.1cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 19.0cm
Rim Depth / Diameter Ratio: 7.5%
Rim Configuration: 68.75
Flexibility: 6.36kg


Finsk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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