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750 Plastic H1v2

Prodigy Disc

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750 Plastic H1v2

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The Prodigy Disc H1 V2 is a re-engineered, overstable, fast flying, Hybrid Driver that has evolved from of the original H1. What separates the H1 V2 from the original H1 is an update to the rim depth, which has been reduced slightly for an easier grip. In addition, the modified outside rim produces a consistent yet faster flight with more glide. By increasing the speed and glide from the original H1, the H1 V2 offers more distance without losing dependability and its over stable finish. This speed 11 Hybrid Driver will get the job done, regardless of the conditions. Backhand and side arm throwers will both benefit from this new design.

Cale Leviska
The new H Series discs are very solid. I am impressed! The H1 V2 and H3 V2 are going in the bag immediately. The H1 is nice and over stable, but has more glide than its predecessor and is more useful in my opinion. These two discs fill the gaps in my bag perfectly. Well done!

750 Plastic
750 Plastic is similar in grip and texture to our 400 series but with a firmer feel. This high-tech blend of premium resins will provide outstanding performance and predictability. This plastic is extremely durable.

Approved Date: Feb 8, 2018
Max Weight: 177.6gr
Diameter: 21.4cm
Height: 1.6cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 2.0cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 17.4cm

Prodigy Disc

Amerikansk produsent av disker og utstyr til frisbeegolf.

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